Targeted Insects
Mosquitoes, moths, beetles, grasshoppers, stink bugs, leafhoppers, fungus gnats, and many nighttime insects
Below is a brief list of pests this machine has exterminated:
Residential homes and Ranches: Mosquitoes, Stink Bugs, Grasshoppers, Fungus Gnats, Boxelder Bugs, etc.
Nursery and Forest: Bark Beetle, Gypsy Moth, Cutworms, Armyworms, etc.
Apple and Pear: Codling Moth, Pear Psylla, Stink Bugs, Leafhoppers, June Beetles, and many more...
Avocado: Western Avocado Leafroller, Omnivorous Looper, Branch and Twig Borer, European Earwig, Grasshoppers, June Beetles, Glassy-Winged Sharp-Shooter, and many more...
Berries: Beet Armyworm, Cabbage Looper, Corn Earworm, Cutworm, Leafrollers, Leafhoppers, Root Beetles, Light Brown Apple Moth, and many more...
Lettuce and Cole Crops: Armyworm, Beet Armyworm, Corn Earworm and Tobacco Budworm, Cutworms, Darkling Beetle, Field Cricket, Loopers, Diamondback Moth, Leafrollers, Click Beetle, Cabbage Looper, and many more...
Almond, Walnut, Fig, and Pistachio: Naval Orangeworm, Oriental Fruit Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Stink Bugs, June Beetles, Codling Moth, Darkling Beetles, Fig Beetle, and many more...
Citrus: Oriental Fruit Moth, Stink Bug, Shield Bug, Budworm, Codling Moth, Leafhopper, Armyworm, Cutworm, Grasshopper, and many more...
Cotton: Alfalfa and Cabbage Loopers, Beet Armyworm, Cotton Bollworm, Cutworms, Darkling Beetles, Crickets, Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers, Leafroller, Pink Bollworm, Stink Bugs, Tobacco Budworm and many more...
Cherry: American Plum Borer, Cherry Leafhopper, Fruittree Leafroller, Leafhopper, Obliquebanded Leafroller, Oriental Fruit Moth, Peachtree Borer, Peach Twig Borer, Western Tussock Moth and many more...
Cucurbits: Armyworms, Cabbage Looper, Crickets, Cutworms, Darkling Beetles, Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers, Stink Bugs, and many more...
Grape: Cutworms, Grape Bud Beetle, Leaffolder, leafhopper, Light Brown Apple Moth, Raisin Moth, European Grapevine Moth, Click Beetle, Glassy Winged Sharpshooter and many more...
Cotton: Armyworm, Corn earworm, Cutworms, Burrower bug, Velvetbean caterpillar, Potato leafhopper, Corn rootworm, Click beetles, Lesser cornstalk borer, and many more...
Peach and Nectarine: Oriental Fruit Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Stink Bugs, American Plum Borer, Fruittree Leafroller, June beetle, and many more...
Peanut: Beet armyworm, Fall armyworm, Corn earworm, Cutworms, Potato leafhopper, Click beetles, Burrower bug, and many more...
Plum and Prune: Codling Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Citrus Cutworm, Fall Webworm, Fruittree Leafroller, and many more...
Rice: Rice Water Weevil, Armyworms, Rice Stink Bug, Leafhopper, Rice Stalk Borer, Rice Leafroller, and many more...
Tobacco: Tobacco Budworm, Tobacco Hornworm, Cutworms, Grasshoppers, Stink Bugs, Japanese Beetles, and many more...
Tomato: Beet Armyworm, Beet Leafhopper, Cutworms, Stink Bugs, Click Beetles, and many more...
Pomegranate: Cherry leafhopper, Filbertworm, Leaffooted Plant Bug, Navel Orangeworm, and many more...
Cranberry: Cranberry Girdler, Cranberry Fruitworm, Cranberry Tipworm, and many more...

Mosquito Killer, Stink Bug Killer, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Killer, Japanese Beetle Killer, Bug Zapper

Mosquito, Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Japanese Beetle

Mosquito, Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Japanese Beetle

Mosquito, Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Japanese Beetle

Insect Killer